Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vacation Week

     It is Saturday, almost the end of my vacation week. I'm sure this week would not have flown by so quickly if I was at work!  I did some of the things I wanted to do- we made it to Cobscook, I cleaned the house ( a little) My mom visited.... I did NOT, however, finish weeding the garden, or replace the clothesline, or put away the camping gear....I won't bother to list the rest of the things I did not do, instead, I'll share more pictures!
It's really almost done now.

running of the chickens....

     The chickens have decided that they want to free range all the time, so we let them. So far, they have not found the garden...when that day comes I'm not sure what my plan will be!  When we wake up in the morning we can look from our bedroom window into their coop window and see them waiting. I call it the daily "running of the chickens" when Joe lets them out and they high tail it for the other side of the yard.

     Things are growing alright in the garden. I have been a little neglectful with the weeding, but it's been really hot! ( I know, excuses!) The cukes ( second planting) are growing great, and so are the beets as usual. The potatoes are doing well too except for the constant molesting they are receiving from numerous bugs ( thank god no potato beetles this year though!).  My corn, on the other hand, I worry about. It is very...short. I keep reassuring myself that even though I planted later, it should still mature at the same time that all those early planters get theirs, but it's just a little sad looking!

     I took the dog for a little hike at Jimmies pond this morning, it was humid and buggy, but still nice. We stopped at the small farmers market up the road, and then a lawn sale, where I made a huge score! 12 issues of Cooks Country for 2 dollars!

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